On top of all the pressures of everyday life, women are often faced with the physical, mental and emotional effects of hormonal imbalance. It's time to change that!
Most women remain unaware of conditions like PCOS that may have manifested due to hormonal irregularities – and miss out on reducing risk for more serious conditions!
Mood swings, hot flashes & weight gain are surefire symptoms, but hormonal imbalances manifest in a myriad of other symptoms from urinary incontinence to brain fog!
Meet Dr. Aimee Duffy
After becoming board certified in Family Practice and practicing at her local OB-GYN clinic, Dr. Duffy realized that many of her patients required more than what conventional medicine could offer. She began incorporating new diagnostic tools to treat patients with hormone imbalances, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue and weight loss needs.
Her experiences led to establishing Carolina Integrative Medicine in 2011 to increase her focus on patient wellness as a core of modern medicine. She’s become an expert mentor in nutrition, hormone balance, stress management, vitality and longevity.
"Better clarity mentally. I’ve never felt so alive and whole. So much more energy and much less stress. This is a miracle for me!"
"For the first time in my adult life every single blood chemistry risk factor has been eliminated. Every marker is green! I’ve lost 35 pounds of belly fat and I am physically stronger than I have ever been in recent years."
"My inflammation has reduced substantially, and I am no longer using any steroids. My strength and energy have improved dramatically!"
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